Ottum automated its survey rewards system with the Xoxoday and SurveyMonkey integration.


زيادة معدلات الاستجابة للاستقصاء

12 ساعة

تم الحفظ في إرسال المكافآت يدويا


تم التوفير في تكاليف الحملة
“The overall response rates to the instant gift cards have been great.”
"Xoxoday helped us automate the rewards fulfillment for the survey campaign, thus saving time and expenses. "It's wonderful to have the Xoxoday integration for B2B surveys. SurveyMonkey being my number-one survey tool, this integration automatically made the process of sending rewards to survey respondents seamless, and I plan to continue using Xoxoday."
Brian D. Ottum, Ph.D.,
Customer Insights & Analytics Consultant, Ottum Research & consulting


زيادة معدلات الاستجابة للاستقصاء

12 ساعة

تم الحفظ في إرسال المكافآت يدويا


تم التوفير في تكاليف الحملة
نبذة عن 
Ottum Research & Consulting

أوتوم للأبحاث والاستشارات هي شركة أبحاث سوق تركز على مساعدة العملاء من الشركات على اكتساب رؤى مهمة حول سلوكيات عملائهم ورغباتهم واحتياجاتهم. تتيح هذه الأفكار اتخاذ قرارات ناجحة بملايين الدولارات في كل من التسويق وتطوير المنتجات الجديدة. نجحت أوتوم للأبحاث والاستشارات في إجراء أكثر من 300 استطلاع في أسواق متنوعة لأنواع مختلفة من الصناعات ، من السلع الاستهلاكية إلى التكنولوجيا والرعاية الصحية وغيرها.

أبحاث السوق
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
حالة الاستخدام:
حوافز المسح
الميزات المستخدمة:
Survey Monkey Integration, Amazon Gift Card, Automated reward delivery, Reward Marketplace.
“The overall response rates to the instant gift cards have been great.”
"Xoxoday helped us automate the rewards fulfillment for the survey campaign, thus saving time and expenses. "It's wonderful to have the Xoxoday integration for B2B surveys. SurveyMonkey being my number-one survey tool, this integration automatically made the process of sending rewards to survey respondents seamless, and I plan to continue using Xoxoday."
Brian D. Ottum, Ph.D.,
Customer Insights & Analytics Consultant, Ottum Research & consulting


Brian Ottum, a customer insights and analytics expert, had conducted several surveys in the past, combining them with survey rewards for innovation and product development. However, they had followed a manual rewards procurement and distribution process. While the surveys were conducted through SurveyMonkey, the rewards for survey respondents had to be physically procured, intimated via email, packed and shipped to each individual, and manually logged and tracked using sheets. It was a resource-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive process. There was also a greater chance of error in maintaining and updating the records, along with logistics problems. Challenges included:

وشملت التحديات الأخرى ما يلي:

  • Negotiations with multiple vendors to procure and stock rewards.
  • Upfront payment to purchase the reward inventory.
  • Limitations on survey tool integration and lack of automation.
  • Poor redemption experience for users due to a manual fulfillment and redemption process.

هذه المرة ، عندما كان على براين جمع رؤى من لجنة منسقة مقرها أمريكا الشمالية مكونة من 200 محترف لتحديد دورة تدريبية جديدة ، قرر الانتقال إلى منصة مكافآت آلية ورقمية يمكنها:

  • التكامل بشكل أصلي وآمن مع SurveyMonkey
  • Boost response rates with seamless rewards fulfilment and redemption
  • تخلص من متاعب التشغيل التي تأتي مع المكافآت اليدوية
  • تقليل تكاليف الشراء والتوزيع الإجمالية


With the Xoxoday and SurveyMonkey integration, Brian and his team ran a successful survey campaign offering respondents an instant $20 Amazon gift card for completing the survey. There was a significant increase in overall participation and operational efficiency of the program.

  • Xoxoday's DIY native integration with SurveyMonkey made it easy for the team to automate survey rewards with workflows and triggers that optimized the overall survey experience.
  • Brian's team had the flexibility of choosing the brand, currency, and denomination of rewards from Xoxoday's global catalogue. They picked Amazon gift cards to offer survey respondents the flexibility of buying meaningful gifts.
  • Instantly delivering Amazon gift cards upon survey submission secured the respondents' satisfaction and cooperation, thereby increasing the survey response experience.
  • The team improved their time management by automating the rewards fulfilment process, saving almost 5-10 minutes per respondent.
  • With Xoxoday's value-based pricing that charges only on reward redemption, the overall campaign costs were lowered by US$1000.


Brian's survey campaign was a success as his team gathered enough responses and insights necessary for the new training course. They distributed more than a hundred rewards through Xoxoday across the US geography. They plan to scale their efforts by plugging Xoxoday rewards into new survey campaigns across different sales and marketing verticals.