Xoxoday Intégration de Plum et de SAP SuccessFactors - Transformer l'engagement des employés chez Yarra Trams


At Yarra Trams, every employee is trained and measured on their ability to provide safe, reliable, and efficient public transport services to millions of passengers annually. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions is crucial to keeping them motivated and encouraging them to perform at their best. However, the previous recognition practices faced several challenges:

  • Disparate practices: Recognition practices were fragmented, with varying budgets and different schemes across departments, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Lack of analytical capabilities: There were no analytical tools to measure the program's final redemption costs accurately.
  • Administrative burdens: Significant administrative overhead existed for department heads and payroll in procuring and distributing physical gifts and determining applicable benefit-in-kind taxes.
  • System integration issues: There was no seamless communication between the current HRIS system and the reward platform, causing inefficiencies.

They recognized the need for a digital-first and automated rewards platform that would seamlessly integrate with their current HXM Suite and offer the following benefits:

  • Provide meaningful local and global choices of gift cards and experiences to employees. Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Leverage existing reporting and free reward and recognition functionality through SuccessFactors.
  • Eliminate the need for new IT infrastructure and minimize setup and configuration time and resources.
“The solution was simple to deploy with less IT resource effort than we expected. ”“The solution was simple to deploy with less IT resource effort than we expected. ”

Xoxoday Intégration de Plum et de SAP SuccessFactors - Transformer l'engagement des employés chez Yarra Trams

Du bureau à nos dépôts, nos employés ont adopté le changement, car il soutient nos efforts continus pour élever notre culture d'entreprise en incorporant la reconnaissance et l'appréciation et en soutenant nos valeurs.

Peitta Dyball
Directeur des ressources humaines, Yarra Trams


At Yarra Trams, every employee is trained and measured on their ability to provide safe, reliable, and efficient public transport services to millions of passengers annually. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions is crucial to keeping them motivated and encouraging them to perform at their best. However, the previous recognition practices faced several challenges:

  • Disparate practices: Recognition practices were fragmented, with varying budgets and different schemes across departments, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Lack of analytical capabilities: There were no analytical tools to measure the program's final redemption costs accurately.
  • Administrative burdens: Significant administrative overhead existed for department heads and payroll in procuring and distributing physical gifts and determining applicable benefit-in-kind taxes.
  • System integration issues: There was no seamless communication between the current HRIS system and the reward platform, causing inefficiencies.

They recognized the need for a digital-first and automated rewards platform that would seamlessly integrate with their current HXM Suite and offer the following benefits:

  • Provide meaningful local and global choices of gift cards and experiences to employees. Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Leverage existing reporting and free reward and recognition functionality through SuccessFactors.
  • Eliminate the need for new IT infrastructure and minimize setup and configuration time and resources.

Xoxoday and SAP SuccessFactors Integration- Transforming Employee Engagement at Yarra Trams

Yarra Trams integrated Xoxoday with their existing SAP SuccessFactors system. This integration allowed them to enhance employee recognition by leaders, managers, and peers with minimal IT effort, leveraging their existing enterprise IT investment. 

“The solution was simple to deploy with less IT resource effort than we expected. ”
Du bureau à nos dépôts, nos employés ont adopté le changement, car il soutient nos efforts continus pour élever notre culture d'entreprise en incorporant la reconnaissance et l'appréciation et en soutenant nos valeurs.
Peitta Dyball
Directeur des ressources humaines, Yarra Trams

A propos de 
Yarra Trams

À Melbourne, en Australie, Yarra Trams (exploité par Keolis Downer) est le plus grand réseau de tramway au monde, avec 250 kilomètres de voies doubles, une flotte de 500 tramways et une équipe de 2 600 employés dévoués qui travaillent 24 heures sur 24 pour fournir des transports publics sûrs, fiables et efficaces à des millions de passagers chaque année.

Yarra Trams s'engage à fournir des services durables et axés sur la clientèle, en mettant l'accent sur la sécurité et l'expérience des passagers. Yarra Trams est un acteur clé du secteur des transports publics de Melbourne et continue d'être à la pointe de l'innovation et de la technologie dans ce secteur.

L'industrie :
Région :
Cas d'utilisation :
Engagement des employés
Caractéristiques utilisées :
SAP Success Factors integration, Xoxo reward points, Reward Marketplace 
“The solution was simple to deploy with less IT resource effort than we expected. ”
Du bureau à nos dépôts, nos employés ont adopté le changement, car il soutient nos efforts continus pour élever notre culture d'entreprise en incorporant la reconnaissance et l'appréciation et en soutenant nos valeurs.
Peitta Dyball
Directeur des ressources humaines, Yarra Trams


At Yarra Trams, every employee is trained and measured on their ability to provide safe, reliable, and efficient public transport services to millions of passengers annually. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions is crucial to keeping them motivated and encouraging them to perform at their best. However, the previous recognition practices faced several challenges:

  • Disparate practices: Recognition practices were fragmented, with varying budgets and different schemes across departments, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Lack of analytical capabilities: There were no analytical tools to measure the program's final redemption costs accurately.
  • Administrative burdens: Significant administrative overhead existed for department heads and payroll in procuring and distributing physical gifts and determining applicable benefit-in-kind taxes.
  • System integration issues: There was no seamless communication between the current HRIS system and the reward platform, causing inefficiencies.

They recognized the need for a digital-first and automated rewards platform that would seamlessly integrate with their current HXM Suite and offer the following benefits:

  • Provide meaningful local and global choices of gift cards and experiences to employees. Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Empower employees with complete control over the redemption process.
  • Leverage existing reporting and free reward and recognition functionality through SuccessFactors.
  • Eliminate the need for new IT infrastructure and minimize setup and configuration time and resources.


Yarra Trams integrated Xoxoday with their existing SAP SuccessFactors system. This integration allowed them to enhance employee recognition by leaders, managers, and peers with minimal IT effort, leveraging their existing enterprise IT investment. The key benefits included:

  • The integration gave Yarra Trams full control over the reward program tailored for their employees.
  • Employees could accumulate awarded points over time for performance and 'moments that matter' and redeem them within the core HR platform.
  • Employees could choose the brand and denomination of rewards from Xoxoday’s global catalogue, making the redemption process more engaging.
  • With Xoxoday’s user-friendly UI, employees quickly deployed and widely adopted the platform.

Quelle est la prochaine étape ?

Yarra Trams plans to explore several opportunities to further improve their employee rewards program, including:

  • Scaling up and innovating the program to include more employees and teams.
  • Optimizing the program based on feedback and data analytics.
  • Exploring new ways to personalize the program for enhanced employee engagement.