Premi API

Automatizza la consegna di premi e incentivi collegando le tue applicazioni con Plum Rewards API

Make your digital rewards strategy simple with Xoxoday Plum. You can drive improved business results by rewarding customers with gift cards, discounts, experiences, and much more. But facilitating these rewards can be a time-consuming process for your business if you have a lot of rewards to send.

Plum Rewards API from Xoxoday automates reward programs of any scale.  It allows organizations to generate and send brand vouchers to anyone, anytime - hassle-free. Plum Rewards API’s self-serve capabilities empowers you to have complete control of the reward programs with multiple currency, multi-domain, and multi-admin capabilities.

Che tu sia una piccola impresa che cerca di eseguire un programma di premi per 1.000 clienti o una grande impresa che costruisce un programma di premi per un milione di clienti, Plum Rewards API funziona per tutti.

Scopri di più sull'API di Plum Rewards qui>>.

Premi API

Make your digital rewards strategy simple with Xoxoday Plum. You can drive improved business results by rewarding customers with gift cards, discounts, experiences, and much more. But facilitating these rewards can be a time-consuming process for your business if you have a lot of rewards to send.

Plum Rewards API from Xoxoday automates reward programs of any scale.  It allows organizations to generate and send brand vouchers to anyone, anytime - hassle-free. Plum Rewards API’s self-serve capabilities empowers you to have complete control of the reward programs with multiple currency, multi-domain, and multi-admin capabilities.

Che tu sia una piccola impresa che cerca di eseguire un programma di premi per 1.000 clienti o una grande impresa che costruisce un programma di premi per un milione di clienti, Plum Rewards API funziona per tutti.

Scopri di più sull'API di Plum Rewards qui>>.