With the choice of secure and reliable global payout methods. it’s never been easier to attract and retain the flexible workforce you need to grow your business.
Pay claims to your customers or to a merchant instantly via a pre-paid digital cards.
Add value to the customer experience while reducing costs and streamlining your administrative processes. Your customers will appreciate a faster, simpler refund experience from start to finish.
Xoxoday provides flexible integration options that simplify overall benefits program by reducing the complexity and cost of benefits.
Our storefront solution lets you integrate a benefit program right away. It comes with one step checkout based on points allocated to your employees, customers & partners.
Our API platform provides unprecedented control for companies to deliver tailored benefit experiences to employees, and manage redemption process with ease.
Enhance your benefits package with a portfolio of leading products and services that appeal to a diverse and evolving workforce.
Measure your benefits program with a comprehensive suite of standard and custom benefits reporting tools.
Xoxoday platform meets the highest certification standards to help reduce compliance burdens for your business and keep payouts safe.
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Leaders in rewards & incentives - 2022
Vouch for the highest quality of support
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Automated and distributed
worth digital gifts within a few clicks
Respondent rewarding grown at a
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Sent Maximum Rewards within
of implementing automation workflows