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سلسلة التوريد والخدمات اللوجستية
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معجم مصطلحات التسويق
Googling terms during Zoom calls? You’re not alone! Marketing jargon can be tough. That’s why we’ve compiled a simple, categorized list of essential marketing terms—basics to buzzwords, all in one place.
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Digital Gift Card
Digital gift cards offer instant delivery and flexibility, allowing recipients to choose better - a hassle-free way to show you care.
Merchandise Rewards
Merchandise rewards are a type of an incentive program designed for users to earn points and redeem the same for physical products. Learn its types.
Marketplace Incentives
Marketplace incentives are tools used by online platforms which helps in creating a better marketplace ecosystem. Learn how to use them.
خدمات ولاء العملاء
تشتمل خدمات ولاء العملاء على حلول متنوعة مصممة لمساعدة العلامات التجارية على إنشاء علاقات أقوى مع العملاء وتمكين تكرار الأعمال. تعرّف على أنواعها.
Loyalty as a Service is a business model where brands outsource, implement, and manage their customer loyalty program. Learn how does it works.
مزود الولاء
مقدمو خدمات الولاء هم شركات تمكّن العلامات التجارية من تصميم برامج ولاء العملاء وتنفيذها. تعرّف على خدماتهم وميزاتهم.
نظام بطاقات الولاء
نظام بطاقات الولاء هو أحد أساليب المسوقين المصممة لتمكين تكرار الشراء وضمان الاحتفاظ بالعملاء. تعرّف على ميزاته.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions
Customer satisfaction survey questions covering different industries. Learn the type of questions which suit your industry.
استبيان آراء العملاء
استبيان آراء العملاء
Customer Review Survey
Customer review surveys can be seen as a broad term that captures both general customer satisfaction surveys and customer service satisfaction surveys.
Customer Service Satisfaction Survey
A customer service satisfaction survey is a type of customer feedback survey designed to measure customer experience with interactions with customers.
Customer Product Survey
Customer product survey to enhance customer satisfaction and shape future developments. Learn ways to measure customer product surveys and their benefits.
Customer Forecasting Survey
A customer forecasting survey is a method used in demand forecasting that involves gathering data directly from consumers. Learn the types and ways to measure.
Customer NPS Survey
A customer NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey is a tool used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Learn the important questions in a customer NPS survey
استبيان تقييم العملاء
استبيان تقييم العملاء هو أداة تُستخدم لجمع آراء العملاء حول تجاربهم مع منتج أو خدمة أو شركة.
Customer Interest Survey
A customer interest survey is a tool used by businesses to gather information about the preferences, behaviors, and interests of their customers.
Customer Preference Survey
A customer preference survey is a questionnaire designed to gather insights into your target audience's interests. Learn its benefits and user template.
استبيان خسائر العملاء
استبيان فقدان العملاء، والمعروف أيضًا باسم استبيان فقدان العملاء، هو أداة تُستخدم لجمع الملاحظات من العملاء الذين توقفوا عن استخدام منتجك أو خدمتك.
Customer Journey Survey
A customer journey survey is a questionnaire designed to measure and understand a customer's experience at various touchpoints. Learn its process and types
مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية لتسويق المحتوى
In content marketing, KPIs are measurable values used to track and assess the performance and success of content campaigns effectively.
Customer Insight Survey
A customer insight survey is a specific type of customer evaluation survey designed to gather in-depth information.
Customer Effort Score Survey
A customer effort score (CES) survey is a specific type of survey designed to measure how easy (or difficult) it is for customers to interact with your business.
Customer Discovery Survey
A customer discovery survey is a valuable tool used to gain insights into the needs, challenges, and preferences of potential customers. Learn its methods.
استطلاع آراء العملاء
يُعد استطلاع رأي العملاء حول اضطراب العملاء أداة قيّمة تُستخدم لفهم سبب مغادرة العملاء أو إلغاء اشتراكهم أو خدمتهم أو عقدهم مع الشركة.
Customer Communication Survey
A customer communication survey is a tool for gathering insights into customers' communication practices, preferences, and experiences. Learn its use cases.
Customer Demographic Survey
Customer demographic survey to uncover key details about the target audience, including age, gender, income, and location. Learn the best practices and process.
مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية للتوعية بالعلامة التجارية
Discover essential KPIs and metrics to measure brand awareness, including social media reach, website traffic, brand mentions, and customer engagement.
Email Marketing KPI
Discover how to measure email analytics and explore the top email marketing KPIs to track for enhanced engagement, increased value, and effective list growth.
استبيان العملاء السنوي
Annual customer survey is a process of gathering customer feedback about their experiences with a company's products or services over a year.
Employee Bonus Program
برنامج مكافآت الموظفين هو خطة منظمة داخل المؤسسة مصممة لتقديم حوافز مالية أو تعويضات إضافية. تعرّف على عمليتها.
Employee Award Program
Employee award programs are structured initiatives designed by organizations to recognize and reward employees for their good performance. Learn its types.
التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني B2B
B2B email marketing is the process of using email campaigns to promote products or services to other businesses.
Sodexo Food
Explore Sodexo Food: its benefits and how to use it for convenient, cashless meal payments, enhancing employee satisfaction and simplifying dining expenses.
Sodexo Link
Discover Sodexo Link: its benefits and how to use it for seamless transactions, enhanced employee perks, and simplified expense management.
Customer Delight Survey
Explore customer delight surveys: their benefits and importance in enhancing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and driving business success.
Partner Marketing
Partner marketing is when two or more companies collaborate to promote each other's products or services to their respective audiences.
أتمتة التسويق
Marketing automation is the use of software to streamline and automate repetitive marketing tasks.
Event Marketing
يشير التسويق عبر الفعاليات إلى الترويج لعلامة تجارية أو منتج أو خدمة من خلال الفعاليات التي تقام شخصيًا أو عبر الإنترنت أو حتى مزيج من الاثنين معًا.
Ecommerce Email Marketing
E-commerce email marketing requires sending marketing messages to a targeted list of email subscribers to promote products, drive sales, etc.
تسويق شركاء القنوات
Channel partner marketing is a strategic practice companies employ to collaborate with their channel partners to market and sell their products or services.
SaaS marketing
SaaS marketing refers to the tactics used to promote and sell Software as a Service (SaaS) products to drive revenue for SaaS companies.
Customer Market Survey
A customer market survey gathers consumer preferences and behaviors, crucial for market analysis and strategy. It guides product development and business decisions.
استبيان علاقات العملاء
يقيّم استبيان علاقات العملاء مدى رضا العملاء عن خدمة العملاء، ويقدم رؤى للتحسين وتعزيز علاقات أقوى مع العملاء.
Customer Quality Survey
A Customer Quality Survey gathers feedback from clients to improve products/services. Benefits include insight into satisfaction & areas for enhancement.
Customer Profile
A customer profile serves as a comprehensive document detailing essential information about your ideal customer.
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