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Buyer Enablement

Buyers enablement is a strategic approach focusing on supporting the buyers throughout the buyer journey, that includes both during the customer’s initial purchase, renewals and expansions. Buyers are more vigilant before actually approaching the sales representatives, they conduct an extensive research online.

What is buyer enablement?

Buyer enablement is the methodology to empower and encourage potential buyers throughout the purchasing process.

Buyer enablement allows the process to become more sophisticated and personally directed. Buyers conduct extensive research online before engaging with the sales representatives.

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Buyer enablement vs. Sales enablement: what is the difference?

  • Buyers enablement is a method that aims to support the potential buyer throughout the purchase journey. Whereas, sales enablement is a strategy that focuses on equipping the sales teams with the resources, training, mentoring sessions that helps effectively to engage potential buyers.
  • Buyers enablement primarily focuses on the buying approach, prospective and ensuring they gain knowledge and resources to make informed decisions. Whereas, sales technology aims to encourage sales teams to deliver value to buyers, increase their productivity and drive revenue growth.

What is the importance of buyer enablement in the customer journey?

Some reasons that prove buyer enablement is important in customer journey:

  1. Support and encourage buyers
  2. Building rapport
  3. Create positive buying experience
  4. Resolve obstacles proactively
  5. Align buyers preference
  1. Support and encourage buyers: Buyers expect to be educated about the product or services before making the final decision, buyers enablement helps the buyers to provide extensive information, knowledge and support which allows to boost the buyer’s confidence in decision making.
  2. Building rapport: Building a trusted relationship with the buyers by providing the content, tailored interactions and proper guidance throughout their buyer journey, which leads the buyer to stay loyal towards the organization.
  3. Create positive buying experience: Address the pain points, concerns for the buyers and provide them with tailored solutions. This aims to create a seamless buying experience and increase customer satisfaction.
  4. Resolve obstacles proactively: Buyers enablement allows the buyers to address the obstacle and resolve the hindrance proactively by supporting and providing tailored solutions.
  5. Align buyers preference: Makes buyer's journey more approachable and align buyers preferences by considering their unique preferences and behavior. Offering the buyer personalized recommendations and helping them in making informed- buying decisions.

What are the types of buyers?

Here are a few classifications of buyers:

  1. Individual buyers
  2. Business buyers
  3. Industry buyers
  4. Strategic buyers
  5. Government buyers

1. Individual buyers: These buyers purchase for personal use and are majorly categorized on the basis of demographics and financial resources. Knowing about the individual buyer segment helps businesses customize marketing strategies and target specific audiences.

2. Business buyers: Business buyers purchases for operation or further selling. They are categorized as:

  • Business to Business (B2B): Buyers are involved in purchasing decisions that are made on the behalf of the organization.
  • Business to Consumer (B2C): Here the customer is the end user of the product and services. Businesses sell the products and services to the consumer.

3. Industry buyers: These buyers are also known as “the buyers of last resort”,these buyers are quite aware about the industry well and avoid paying for sellers' expertise.

4. Strategic buyers: These buyers are mostly companies and aligned with a specific goal which includes, increase credibility in the market and eliminate market competition.

5. Government buyers: Government buyers are departments working within the governmental organizations responsible for procuring products and services on the behalf of government entities

How to enable buyers in the buying process?

Some steps and practices to involves buyers in the buying process are as follows:

  1. Problem recognition
  2. Gather knowledge
  3. Customize experience
  4. Proper communication
  5. Enable technology and tools
  6. Assistance post- purchase
  1. Problem recognition: Understand the problems being faced by the buyer, try to identify the pain points and concerns involved, this allows them to provide customized solutions and facilitate awareness about the buyer's journey.
  2. Gather knowledge: Create unbiased, tailored and informative content to address the needs and concerns of the buyers and foster providing them with solutions rather than directly promoting the organization's products and services.
  3. Customize experience: To enhance the buyer engagement and experience provide them with customized experiences and tailored content that caters the main concerns and pain points of the buyers, that includes recommendations and targeted messaging.
  4. Proper communication: Encourage open and transparent communication with the buyer. Approaching the buyer in a consultative manner and providing insights about the products and services to make informed decisions.
  5. Enable technology and tools: Use tools that facilitate buyers enablement which includes customer relationship management (CRM), sales analytics tools and automation tools.
  6. Assistance post- purchase: Providing proper support post- purchase and assisting with the problems faced allows to build long term relationships with the customers and foster positive word of mouth.

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