Experience the power of automated reward delivery from within your ecosystem

Foster loyalty and boost engagement with seamless reward distribution by embedding the marketplace into your ecosystem.

Access to a global Catalog with rewards from 100+ Countries

Discover a diverse array of rewards accessible across continents and 30+ reward categories.
  • Diverse Global Reach: Access a catalog spanning over 100 countries, offering a wide range of rewards tailored to diverse cultural preferences.
  • Localized Offerings: Provide rewards specific to each region, enhancing relevance and appeal to users worldwide.
  • Expanded Audience: Expand your user base by catering to audiences worldwide, driving engagement and loyalty.

SSO/SAML Based Authentication for Seamless User Experience

Simplify login processes and enhance security with seamless authentication methods.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Allow users to access the rewards platform with a single set of login credentials, eliminating the need for multiple logins.
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML): Ensure secure authentication by leveraging industry-standard protocols, protecting user data and privacy.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide a hassle-free login experience, reducing friction and improving user satisfaction.

Deliver an Exciting Reward Redemption Experience in Minutes.

Enable users to redeem reward points swiftly for a seamless experience.
  • Quick Redemption Process: Allow users to redeem reward points instantly, providing immediate gratification and satisfaction.
  • Customization Options: Customize the reward catalog to align with your brand and user preferences, enhancing user engagement.
  • Increased Engagement: Drive user engagement by offering a convenient and rewarding redemption process, encouraging frequent interactions with the platform.

Enable Multi-Currency and Multilingual Reward Redemption

Provide inclusive redemption options tailored to users' preferences and location.
  • Global Appeal: Support multiple currencies, including popular options such as USD, EUR, and GBP, catering to users worldwide.
  • Language Accessibility: Support multiple languages, allowing users to navigate the rewards platform in their preferred language.
  • Market Expansion: Appeal to a diverse global audience with multi-currency and multilingual support, driving user engagement and loyalty..
Kasus penggunaan

Endless opportunities with one unified solution

Edtech Platforms

Enrich the learning experience by integrating the reward marketplace, incentivizing student participation and achievement with exciting rewards.

LMS Platforms

Optimize learning management systems with reward marketplace integration, motivating learners with tangible incentives for completing courses and milestones.

HRMS Platforms

Empower HR management systems with the reward marketplace, recognizing and incentivizing employee performance fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.

Deliver instant gratification in three easy steps 

Seamless Integration
Integrate the rewards marketplace with your platform seamlessly in minutes.
Deliver Delight
Deliver rewards with your preferred method of delivery to your recipients from within your ecosystem.
Browse & Redeem
Sit back and relax! Your recipient can now choose from the diverse catalog of 1Mn+ reward options against the reward received.

We built the reward marketplace, so you don’t have to

Gunakan Reward Marketplace Plum untuk mengirimkan hadiah dan insentif dengan mudah dan aman secara global.
Start now

5000+ pelanggan di seluruh dunia menggunakan Xoxoday untuk mendorong pertumbuhan

"Sangat responsif dengan waktu aktif 100%"

Berkat Xoxoday, kami sekarang dapat mengotomatiskan pengadaan dan distribusi insentif, sehingga menghemat biaya dan waktu. Pengalaman responden online secara keseluruhan juga sangat baik.

Ravi Gour - Regional Panel Leader (Asia-Pacific), Nielsen

Baca studi kasus
"Platform ini melayani sendiri, cepat disiapkan, mudah digunakan"

Penambahan nilai datang dengan kemampuan untuk membuat halaman arahan yang dipicu untuk menampilkan hadiah yang dilokalkan, yang membantu bisnis kami dalam mendorong keterlibatan. Saya juga menghargai dukungan penukaran hadiah yang luar biasa yang kalian berikan.

Sandeep John - Kepala pemasaran lapangan, Asia Tenggara, Freshworks

Baca studi kasus
"Negara Adidaya bagi para pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh"

Xoxoday adalah kekuatan super yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh untuk melakukan banyak hal! Xoxoday telah menjadi nilai tambah yang luar biasa bagi Xero. Kami mencapai pertumbuhan 20% dari tahun ke tahun dan ini adalah kinerja yang brilian bagi kami.

Matt Wale -  Head of Growth Marketing, Xero

Baca studi kasus
"Peningkatan efisiensi pemberian penghargaan - 52% karyawan"

Karyawan kami sangat menyukai proses penghargaan Xoxoday . Layanan pelanggan yang mereka tawarkan luar biasa dan patut dipuji. Itu adalah kriteria paling penting bagi kami untuk memutuskan mereka.

Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia, H&M

Baca studi kasus
"100% resolusi pelanggan sesuai SLA"

Xoxoday Plum memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan agregator dan merek lain karena sedikitnya pilihan yang mereka sediakan untuk penukaran. Metode dasbor hadiah untuk memberi hadiah adalah cara yang jauh lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas untuk menerapkan strategi pemberian hadiah.

Biju Samuel, Capgemini

Baca studi kasus

Platform kelas enterprise yang sepenuhnya aman dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan skala

Inilah yang ditawarkan oleh Xoxoday :

Compliance via ISO 27001, SOC 2, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR.
Secure access with SSO, two-factor authentication.
Global rewards catalog spanning brands, languages, currencies.
Agile microservices for rapid deployment, selective scaling.
Seamless integration with Sales, HR, Marketing, and more.