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Premiato come miglior software per premi e incentivi da G2 crowd nel 2023

Event rewards to incentivize your virtual event attendees and boost participation

Virtual events are the new norm, but engaging attendees can be a challenge. Low participation rates, high drop-off rates, and minimal conversions plague many virtual events, leading to decreased impact and ROI. But fear not, because Xoxoday has the solution. Xoxoday is here to revolutionize your virtual events by offering enticing event rewards that keep attendees excited and engaged from start to finish.

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Aziende in crescita con Xoxoday

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Personalized and enticing event rewards generates buzz and gets participants to register and show up

Increase attendance rates

Our early bird rewards system is guaranteed to skyrocket your attendance rates. By offering enticing incentives during the pre-event phase, you'll create a sense of urgency that compels potential participants to secure their spots promptly. Say goodbye to empty virtual seats and hello to a packed house!

Reduce sales cycle

Nurturing relationships with post-event incentives has never been easier. With Xoxoday rewards, you'll keep prospects engaged and primed for conversion long after your event has ended. The continued interaction deepens connections, accelerates decision-making, and moves leads through your sales pipeline at lightning speed.

Boost the RoI of events

Experience unparalleled ROI with Xoxoday rewards. Our platform attracts potential customers to your products or services with irresistible rewards. By aligning incentives with attendee preferences and pain points, you'll create a personalized experience that drives more qualified leads into your sales pipeline.

Rewards spark FOMO and get people to attend your virtual event with excitement

There’s nothing worse than the feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Keep your attendees thinking about your virtual event even before it starts by giving them a glimpse of impressive swags they will receive.

Seamless integration with all events platforms

  • Say goodbye to the hassle of manually managing attendee lists and engagement metrics. With Xoxoday, you can seamlessly integrate with leading events platforms like Zoom, BlueJeans, Hubilo, and more. 
  • Our platform syncs attendance and participation metrics in real-time, allowing you to create automated reward campaigns with ease. Plus, you'll have total control of your budget every step of the way.

Easily create localized reward campaigns

  • With Xoxoday, sending personalized rewards to your global attendees has never been easier. Our platform offers a catalog of over 26,000 gift options and 5,000+ global brands, ensuring that every participant receives a reward they'll love. 
  • Whether it's digital gifts, vouchers, or merchandise, you can customize your reward campaigns to suit the preferences of your diverse audience – all without worrying about catalog selection or currency conversions.

Send rewards in different delivery modes

  • Delight your participants by sending them rewards in the most convenient way possible. Whether it's gift codes, links, or points, our platform makes redemption a breeze with just a click. 
  • You can also reach your audience where they're most active by sending rewards through communication channels like SMS, Email, or WhatsApp.

Track your reward data and insights

  • Gain valuable insights into attendee engagement and reward redemption with Xoxoday's robust tracking capabilities. 
  • We'll send back attendee attendance/engagement information and reward redemption data to your CRM, allowing you to track lead scores and measure the impact of engagement-driven rewards. 
  • With our custom reporting dashboard, you'll have all the tools you need to optimize your virtual events for maximum success.

World's largest global rewards marketplace to help you increase business value

Whether it's webinars, survey rewards, customer loyalty programs, or employee recognition, Xoxoday’s digital rewards cater to everyone's unique needs. Xoxoday is your backbone for global rewards, incentives & payouts.


Clienti con oltre 2 milioni di utenti finali


Opzione di pagamento con marchio in più di 75 paesi


Premi distribuiti su scala globale
* Sostenuto da metriche di utilizzo del prodotto e da sondaggi tra gli utenti.

Altri motivi per scegliere Plum

Rapporti completi

Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.


Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.

Sicurezza e conformità

Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.

Un supporto di cui i team si fidano

Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.

Assistenza clienti eccellente
La piattaforma è facile da usare e ha un'interfaccia utente intuitiva. Assistenza clienti eccellente. Non ho mai avuto problemi.
Premiante per le risorse umane, piacevole per i dipendenti
Accenture - Il riconoscimento va al di là di qualsiasi compenso finanziario che una persona possa ricevere, perché diventa un momento così salutare per quell'individuo e fa sì che il suo tempo presso l'organizzazione valga la pena.
Team reattivi con il 100% di uptime
Xoxoday è stato molto reattivo finora, sia che si trattasse di risolvere un imprevisto urgente o qualsiasi esigenza. Le sue API sono state molto reattive con un uptime del 100%.
Grande gamma di premi globali
I nostri dipendenti apprezzano molto il processo di gratificazione di Xoxoday . Il servizio clienti offerto è eccezionale e lodevole. Questo è stato il criterio più importante per la nostra scelta.
Un superpotere per i marketer in crescita
Xoxoday è quel superpotere con cui ogni marketer in crescita può fare molto di più! Xoxoday è stata un'aggiunta di grande valore a Xero. Abbiamo ottenuto una crescita del 20% rispetto all'anno precedente ed è una performance brillante per noi.

Ready to elevate your virtual events with digital rewards?

Don't let low participation rates and lackluster engagement hold your events back any longer. With our innovative rewards platform, you can turn your virtual events into unforgettable experiences that drive real results.

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Soluzioni di ricompensa
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