Engage and delight your audiences with exciting discounts through our plug-and-play store featuring thousands of exclusive deals. Whether you're aiming to captivate your users, treat your employees, or enhance community engagement, our discount marketplace offers a plethora of benefits to suit your needs.
Easily get started with our no-code marketplace within minutes, or integrate it within the flow of your application using our API libraries.
Transcend geographies and deliver delight with localized offerings to a global audience in a currency and language that you prefer.
Customize the storefront with your brand aesthetics and curate the brands and products to give a delightful redemption experience for end-users.
Here's what sets us apart:
Our perks and discounts store offers versatility for various objectives:
Whether it's webinars, survey rewards, customer loyalty programs, or employee recognition, Xoxoday’s gift cards from the discount marketplace cater to everyone's unique needs. Xoxoday is your backbone for global rewards, incentives & payouts.
Get reports delivered to your inbox or use our dashboard to get information on the success of your rewards program.
Transcend geographies without any conversion hassles. Deliver e-gifts in a currency you prefer.
Xoxoday platform meets the highest certification standards to help reduce compliance burdens for your business.
24*7 support with 99.9% response time. Setup assistance, Redemption support, Chat, and email help.
Take action now and experience the benefits of Xoxoday discount marketplace.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock a world of perks and discounts with just a click. Leverage Xoxoday Discount Marketplace today and start transforming your audience's experience!